Historic Seattle - 2017 Outstanding Modern Preservation Award
Congratulations to the whole Team and a huge thanks to Historic Seattle for the the recognition of the Robert Reichert House and Studio with the 2017 Outstanding Modern Preservation award last night!
Project team:
Clients : Reichert Studio
Heidi and Darin
Contractor: Dboone Construction
Dave Boone Project manager, Luke Marcum Site super
Architect : CAST architecture
Stefan Hampden, principal & Brian Campbell, associate.
Structural Engineer: TSE Engineering
Keith Ryan PE
Envelope Engineer: RDH building Science inc
Dan Rundle
Historic Seattle - 2017 Outstanding Modern Preservation Award
Abridged project team at the awards left to right : Luke, Dave, Stefan, Darin, Heidi and Jeffrey
Historic Seattle Dinner and awards ceremony at Washington Hall.
New stucco facade of the Reichert House & Studio complete with shadow paintings
Interior stairs with view of "door to heaven"
Retooled entry of completed project